Friday, June 18, 2010

Tongue Drive System

Have you ever think that computers can be operated with our human tongue? Interesting? Scientists developed a new revolutionary system to help individuals with disabilities to control computers, wheel chairs and other devices simply by using their tongue. This technology is called as the Tongue Drive System.
Engineers suggests that this technology will be very helpful to the humans suffering from serious disabilities and allow them to become more active and lead independent lives. Here the person has to move only his tongue which is an important part if a person has a paralyzed limbs. Here a tiny magnet having size similar to the grain of rice will be attached to the person's tongue. Processes such as implantation, piercing or adhesion will be used to attach the magnet. This technology will help the disabled person to use computer mouse or powerful wheel chair.

Scientists chose the tongue to control the system because unlike the feet and the hands, which are connected by brain through spinal cord, the tongue and the brain has a direct connection through cranial nerve. In case when a person has a severe spinal cord injure or other damage, the tongue will remain mobile to activate the system.
The motions of the magnet attached to the tongue are
spotted by a number of magnetic field sensors installed
on a headset worn outside or an orthodontic brace
inside the mouth. The signals coming from the
sensors are wirelessly sent to a portable computer that
placed on a wheelchair or attached to an individual's

The Tongue system is developed to recognize a wide
array of tongue movements and to apply specific
movements to certain commands, taking into account
user's oral anatomy, abilities and lifestyle. The Tongue
Drive system is touch-free, wireless and non-invasive
technology that needs no surgery for its operation.

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